Your grandchildren are visiting. You had so many activities in mind to entertain them during their summer vacation.
Then, it rains. You don’t have to let Mother Nature put a damper on the time you have with your family. Here are some ideas for rainy day fun with your grandkids.
You probably don’t want the grandchildren opening all of your cabinets, doors, and drawers, so give them the challenge of finding things in plain sight. You could send them on a hunt for colors, letters, shapes, symbols, or even animals. For the kids with smartphones, they can take a picture.
Keep a box of arts and crafts supplies handy: paper, canvas boards, poster board, acrylic paints, watercolors, brushes, cut-up sponges, construction paper, old magazines, cookie cutters (they make great stencils), modeling clay, pipe cleaners, glue, double-sided tape, scissors, and even empty paper toilet or toilet paper rolls and egg cartons. Dry pasta shapes are wonderful, too! Let them use their imagination to create a work of art, a costume, or even a story.
Do a jigsaw puzzle or play a classic board game or card game with your grandchildren. Younger children can play Uno, Go Fish, Candyland, and Trouble. For your older grandkids, challenge them to learn a new “old” game, like chess, Parcheesi, backgammon, mancala, and Chinese checkers.
Bill Nye, move over. Find some simple experiments you can do at home—without igniting anything! Learn how to make a lava lamp, make ice crystals and turn a lemon into a battery.
Do you have a recipe that your grandkids love? Invite them into the kitchen to cook or bake with you. Make individual pizzas where each child rolls out the dough and adds their own toppings. Teach them how to read a recipe, measure liquid and dry ingredients, crack and separate an egg (be sure to have extra on hand), or any of the many safe activities. When you’re done, you can all enjoy the tasty results.
Start a story with one or two sentences. Then let each child add to it. Write it down as you go, and keep going till the story is complete. When the story is told, bring out your art supplies and have them turn the story into a book, with their own illustrations.
Rain or shine, time with the grandchildren offers precious opportunities to make lasting memories, and Epcon Communities wants you to enjoy every minute. To learn more about our low-maintenance lifestyle, so you can spend more time doing what you love most and with who you love most, contact us today.