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Less is More: Relieving the Burden of Maintaining “Stuff”

relieving the burden of maintaining “stuff”

Has the clutterbug infestation hit your home? Are you certain that your walls are closing in on you? Whether you’re having minor issues with clutter or ready to fill up a dumpster, you may find that relieving the burden of maintaining “stuff” in your home and life beneficial. There’s a valuable life lesson we all should heed: Less is more.

Why You Should Declutter

Clutter is in the eyes of the beholder. A minimalist subscribes to presenting a décor with as few elements as possible. A maximalist approaches home design with a passion for color and “things”. Each of these decorator personality types feels comfortable with the volume of their design choices. However, regardless of your approach to home design, there comes a time when there’s simply too much for your taste. 

Do you show any of these symptoms caused by your surroundings?:

  • feel stressed, overburdened and overwhelmed.
  • waste time looking for things.
  • avoid certain cabinets and closets because you know they’re overstuffed.
  • buy replacements for items because you couldn’t find the original, which contributes to the clutter and wastes money.
  • panic when an unexpected visitor arrives or frequently apologize for the mess in your home.
  • trip over piles of stuff.
  • can’t close drawers without jamming everything in.
  • can’t fit your car in the garage because of all the things stored there.
  • have no idea what is packed in your storage bins and containers.

If any of these situations feel familiar to you, it may be time to do something about it.

Decluttering Tips

Organizing expert Marie Kondo has an easy and smart way to declutter your home. Her Konmari method has successfully guided clutterbugs of all sizes to a more pleasant environment in their homes and workplaces. It all starts with the right mindset and her six basic rules:

  1. Commit yourself to tidying up
  2. Imagine your ideal lifestyle
  3. Finish discarding first and before getting rid of items, sincerely thank each item for serving its purpose
  4. Tidy by category, not location
  5. Follow the right order
  6. Ask yourself if the item sparks joy

To get started, remove everything from the area you want to clean up and organize. Once you have taken everything out, sort them according to these categories for organizing your home and decluttering:

  • Clothes
  • Books
  • Papers
  • Kitchen utensils
  • Sentimental items
  • Miscellaneous items

Be honest and be ruthless as you sort through what you’ve gathered. You don’t need every homework assignment or piece of artwork from your child’s every grade. Be selective about the mementos. As you evaluate what you will keep, be sure to ask yourself the key Kondo question: Does this spark joy? In addition, consider whether you will still love it in 6 months. In other words, think long-term, not immediate response.

New Space or New Place?

They say a clean space means a clear mind. Without the unnecessary clutter in your home, you can evaluate if this home is the right one for your current needs and lifestyle. After decluttering, you may come to realize the value in relieving the burden of maintaining “stuff”, but that clutter wasn’t the only problem. It could be that the home no longer fits your needs or simply lacks the features you need and want as you continue through life’s journey. You might not want to continue to shoulder the burden of upkeep on a home you’ve outgrown or the yard that comes with it. 

Epcon Communities has a solution for people seeking a more comfortable, stylish and/or convenient lifestyle. Our neighborhoods of single-family homes are located throughout the United States. The lock-and-leave lifestyle offers freedom from things like lawn care and a variety of exterior maintenance chores. Plus, with a wide range of floor plans to choose from, you can find the size, style and features you want in your next home.

Once you’ve decluttered your home, reward yourself with a fresh start. Reach out to Epcon Communities to learn more about our homes and neighborhoods.