

Single Family Home

From $499,950

bedrooms 2-3
bathrooms 2-3
bedsq.ft 2,114-2,930
Sq. Ft.
car garages 2
Car Garage

In the Verona, everything is exactly where you want it. An integrated living space provides the room you want with the flexibility you need. Two bedrooms, two bathrooms, a den, and an optional bonus suite enable you to grow into your new home without the fuss and frustration of conventional homes.

  • Invite guests into your home with a w...

Included Features
• Private, rear-facing courtyard
• Covered courtyard porch
• First floor owner’s suite
• Dual owner’s suite closets
• First floor laundry room
• Single-level living
• Flexible living space
• Spacious entertainment areas
Optional Features
• Optional sitting room, screened porch, or covered porch off of owner’s suite
• Optional zero-threshold shower
• Optional second floor Bonus Suite
• Optional finished or unfinished basement
• Optional 3-car garage

Virtual Tours
